Friday 12 September 2014

Reboot - random not-posted post from 29.08.13

I watched Joe Cross's documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" the other day, and was absolutely inspired by his 60 juice "fast" [I believe a fast to be abstaining from all food, and taking in only water, whereas what he did was a 'juice diet' (and, no, not all diets are for weight loss!), but if that's my only quibble, I'm good!].

It's time I did a detox again - I'm mentally ready, and not doing much exercise (other than walking) because Sally the (absolutely lovely) hand therapist giving me physio for my wrist has said not to do weight-bearing exercises [so no yoga, pilates, Body Balance], and don't go starting weights at home or in the gym, and she agrees about not going swimming until the infection in the scar has cleared up...

[The "dissolving" sutures aren't - after seven weeks, they should have gone by now (doc reckons two weeks is long enough for them to vanish, normally) - and seem to be irritating the tissues around the wound, and it's red, swollen, and oozing pus on occasions.  On the plus size, I haven't yet had a reaction against the erythromycin, so that's a huge bonus!]

So, my body is not going to be under much strain (and as I'm not currently working, that's less stress, too), now would be a great time to do that.

As a sign of how much progress I've made: I didn't go charging in like a bull at a gate [although the juicer is already installed on the kitchen worktop], but ordered Joe Cross's book of the same name, and am planning to read it for more information before starting!

Let's just hope that he gives a "How To" guide.

Anyway, I'm off to read a few more pages...

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