Friday 12 September 2014

HH8 - 01.06.13 - "Don't Panic!"

OK, so there was no need to panic - Jyotin has got an Agreement In Principle [which should satisfy the trust, apparently] - he can't print off a copy as either their system or the lender's system is having some sort of meltdown, but hopefully by Monday that will be resolved and David can forward a scanned copy to Rob.

Rob said he was sending all the details off yesterday, with a recommendation to the vendor to accept, so it's now a case of being patient.

What did tick me off was John Charcol's failure to tell us that we needed to start jumping through hoops for them all over again!

As it's been over a year since we started the house-hunting process, we need to supply all the "Know Your Client" documents again...

I get the whole KYC process, and being able to account for where money has come from [our deposit is partly proceeds of the sale of one flat and largely from remortgaging the other two, done by John Charcol, all transactions completed by Helle our miracle-working solicitor], what I was less than impressed with was the fact that for over a week we've been talking about a specific house, and being "good to go" as soon as we hear from the vendor, and then the moment we need them to 'put their money where their mouth is', we are back to the beginning of the hoop-jumping process at the mortgage broker.

They must have some system in place to keep up with their requirements, surely?

I'm probably panicking unnecessarily, but the timing couldn't have been worse: 10 days ago [so still well over a year after we first registered with Charcol (10.04.12), but only just over a year since we starting actually viewing properties (we saw the first two on 28.04.12)] I would have had my passport and driving licence to hand...

Now: I'm in that limbo land of being unable to prove who I am as the Passport Office is [hopefully!] processing my passport renewal and the DVLA is ditto for my DL.

As I say, I'm less than impressed: if the KYC "stuff" runs out after a year, they've had the best part of two months to let us know about it and fix it; waiting till we need them to act in a hurry smacks of poor process control [which then has me worrying about where else they are being inefficient].

Anyway, if this house purchase is 'meant to be' it will happen, so this gives me another chance to be more zen about things!


What will be nice is having a weekend where we won't be looking at other people's houses!  We have had one weekend [and possibly two; I can't remember for sure] where we haven't either been in France or viewing properties at least one of the days [we've had several weekends where we've had viewings both (or even all three!) days] since we started.

Top Tip: even two weekends "off" in thirteen months is not enough!  It feels as though life has been "on hold" for far too long.  I know we've had time in France, but at the moment that place is essentially acting as a store-room for our belongings till we buy a house in England and the clutter is a constant reminder of the need to find a home - causing us to spend a lot of the time revisiting Zoopla, RightMove and estate agents' websites whilst we are there.

I'm so keeping my fingers crossed that the house-hunting process can stop!

I'm having to remind myself that although the Old Old People's Home is a lot of money, and will need a lot more spent on it, it's not that much more expensive than many of the unutterably grotty "potentials" that we've seen, and at the end of the process will be infinitely nicer than a three or four bedroom bungalow that has needed an awful lot of money spent on it.  I'm not 'against' bungalows: we've seriously considered several, but if our money will buy a decent-sized kitchen, three reception rooms and four bedrooms, with land, it seems crazy to spend nearly that much on a small kitchen-diner, one reception room and three/four bedrooms [complete with much worse damp and décor straight out of the late 1980s!].

And I can't wait to start reclaiming that garden!

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