Friday 12 September 2014

HH9 - 06.06.13 - Rats!

David had a call from Rob yesterday - another bidder has appeared 'out of the woodwork' and put in another offer on the Old Old People's Home - sounds over twenty thousand pounds more than our offer.

We upped our offer to the top of the range listed, but he said it's likely to go to best and final offers.

Got an email later, and it is going to sealed bids.

Hmm, not happy!  Trying to be philosophical, but am finding that difficult.  Rob described the other bidder as a poker player - well he can't be very good, can he?  If he'd made an asking price offer (and backed it up) three weeks ago, we never would have been allowed to view the house, and he would have saved himself (or us) at least thirty thousand pounds.  Rob told David that the other chap sounded a bit despondent when told it would be sealed bids - what did he expect?  That it would be like eBay: get in at the last moment with a higher offer and no-one else gets a go?

As I say, I'm trying to be philosophical - if we are successful, we get what will be a beautiful home, and if we are not, the other guy gets an expensive lesson about trying to do a late/sneaky bid.

But that doesn't mean I'm not keeping my fingers crossed!

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