Friday 12 September 2014

HH15 - 04.07.14 - Hah!

As I was posting about the wren, I saw my previous post, and as I say: "Hah!"

That was then, this is now.

We got gazumped on the place in Pluckley [fabulous house, but a semi- facing the "wrong" way, and footpath right down the side of the garden, bisecting the land, but RIGHT by the station, so perfect for David, and I could have made the house and garden wonderful!].

Thought, and thought, about it, and decided to try a higher offer [after all the gazumpers knew the property was off the market when they made their (very belated) offer], so it went to sealed bids and we still missed out.

Oh, well, another day another dollar!

At least Serkan managed to get our 'non-refundable' mortgage application fee refunded from the Halifax, so we were only slightly out of pocket [and in the grand scale of legal fees, that's "not very much at all"].

In the meantime we went to tender on another property, we've had a roller-coaster ride since our bid was accepted and are awaiting a mortgage offer... yesterday.

That's right, yesterday, Abbery/Santander seemed to agree that we could exchange today and they would sort out their internal confusion [which is what, allegedly, has been causing the hold-ups till now] and get the offer issued [we've has the agreement in principle, but need the "actual" offer; Halifax went from 'yes' to 'yes, but a lower amount' to 'no' in the space of about 10 days, so there's still no chicken counting going on here!]; I'm back to hoping our vendor doesn't get cold feet, as we'd confidently [based on Abbey's discussion with our mortgage broker] stated we could exchange today.

It's been a long and painful process, that I might blog about when I'm a bit less close to it all.

In the meantime, would you keep everything crossed for a swift & painless exchange and completion?

Thank you, if you said 'yes'.

And if you said 'no', thank you just for reading this far!

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