Friday 12 September 2014

HH14 - 03.04.114 - Offer accepted!

I'm absolutely shattered [which is why I didn't post yesterday] - I'm still doing the rehab from the shoulder injuries, so all exercise that isn't walking can leave me pretty wiped out, and the myo-fascial release treatments really shake up my system and leave me feeling weak - but what's actually left me feeling filletted is finally having an asking price offer on a house accepted!

I know London is undergoing an insane property bubble at the moment (and who knows when/if that will ever end; it sounds as though foreign investors wouldn't be hit by another slump in the UK's economy the same as people buying a house to live in have been in the past?), but in Kent only the very best-presented or the most realistically priced places had sold quickly...

So why would vendors turn their noses up at what they've asked for?

We've seen a couple of places stick around for 8-10 months before selling after turning us down.  Presumably the owners got the price they wanted, but in a rising market that has (relatively) left them with no more purchasing power than accepting a lower offer [but what they stated they wanted!] nearly a year before...  And we were chain-free; we've seen lots of properties that were 'sold' reappear in the inbox as for sale on the agents' emails.

Anyway, rant over (probably)!

Someone somewhere has clearly advised the executors that an asking price offer [Sarah (the estate agent) told us she didn't think the place would sell for what they were asking] would be a good thing to accept from people with their financing in place and no house to sell...

Have we overpaid?


But a premium to not get involved in a long wait while the solicitors [it's a deceased estate that has taken two years to go through probate] debate on the merits of various offers, other people viewing the property, and (our particular dread) potentially going to sealed bids means that we think it was worth it to take the place off the market.

It's not over till the fat lady sings, so we're not resting quietly just yet, but it does feel an immense weight off our shoulders for now.

We have a great solicitor, so I'm sure any horrors in the woodwork will be brought to light before it is too late...  And we already felt gutted to miss out on the place with wet/dry rot, woodworm, rising/penetrating damp & subsidence/a dangerous chimney stack, so I'm not sure what it would take to put us off this place.

It's a semi-detached house [which I wouldn't have chosen if all the other factors hadn't been in its favour], and not as rural as I would have liked, but it will be better for travelling to work for David than the place with the garden I loved in Hastings.

I can create a garden, but I can't move a house 20-30 minutes closer to London!

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