Thursday 11 September 2014

All change!

David had been waiting for the mortgage to be finalised, and the house-purchase to complete, before bowing to pressure from his once-and-future boss to leave the "Huge American Bank" [HAB] and join his old colleagues (who were made redundant from HAB) in their start-up venture with the "Eastern-Backed Dancing Bears" [EBDB]...

Well, amongst much slightly-terrified nervousness, he has handed in his notice and will be joining the team only slightly late.  It's a move away from the Square Mile and into [for him] unknown territory.  [The "Bear Garden" in 'Bandit Country'?]  He has discovered that there aren't actually dragons on that part of the map, but it's all new and scary nonetheless!  I believe he may even have bought a tube pass?

His sad-to-lose him boss is being brilliant, not made worse by EBDB becoming clients of HAB, so we're hopeful that getting all our major life changes over in the space of a week will seem like a brilliant idea a year from now...

Now, though, it all feels a little on the 'much' side?

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