Friday 12 September 2014

HH4 - 26.05.13 - Fingers crossed!

We've had a brilliant 24 hours in our house-hunting: we've actually seen three houses, all of which would be lovely to live in [with work, obviously], and put in an offer on one of them!

I want to add masses more exclamation marks, but know that would be silly.

All three need work, the house-with-no-name is just decorative, the house named after a TV station needs dragging from the 1970's into somewhere approaching this millennium, and the former care home requires most work of all.

And guess which one I want?

The 'Old Old People's Home' is our preferred option, of course!  There's been subsidence [hopefully remedied; awaiting structural report], there is dry and wet rot in the cellar and wet rot (with rising/penetrating damp, we think) in one of the room upstairs.  At least one of the windows needs replacing, the plasterwork needs attention and there are masses of other little things needing attention [dangerous landing/access to the attic rooms, chimney leaning alarmingly, new kitchen & sanitary ware required throughout, and if we're lucky finding some Victorian fireplaces to replace the ones that have been ripped out.  Oh and the garden will take more than a machete to sort out; I think it could be chain saw time!].  It must once have been a lovely house, and could be so again with time and effort.

I'm not going to write any more, as I'm trying to not get too excited, but the grounds and location are what really make it from a potentially-great house into a potential winner.

With luck, and a following wind, and a shed-load of cash it could be our dream home.

There are two other asking price offers [one hasn't managed to provide proof of financing in the last month, and the other is a cash buyer, so we're hoping that falls foul of the money-laundering regulations!], but we'd already offered over that so are keeping everything crossed.  As it's an NHS Trust that's selling the house, it's not as straight-forward as a vendor accepting the offer; it needs to be referred to a third party for recommendation and then go before the finance committee for acceptance.  I don't know how long the process will take, or whether it will be successful, but I'm just hoping that the gods of avoiding-buying-the-wrong-place are still watching over us, and have brought us to the "right" place...

Fingers crossed that a move from one re-purposed building to another (the Old Laundry to the Old Old People's Home) will be an auspicious omen.

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