Friday 12 September 2014

HH20 - 29.08.14 - Still waiting on the corrected offer...

Apparently, it has been issued [although as no-one has yet seen it, and the "Follow Your Application" link we have been given doesn't let you look at any documents (why?)] - Ashley noticed the error on the 15th, and today is the 29th; it's all just adding to the stretched-out/stressed-out feeling of life at the moment...

On the very plus side: we received paperwork from Helle this morning that she wants completing and returning as soon as possible - I was set to go tearing up to London on the first train that connects to Fulham with as little fuss as possible, so that David could meet me at her offices and one of her staff could witness it...  And David was just checking that the witnessing was OK for their purposes, and Helle said she won't be in the office this afternoon [so no net gain over David dropping it in in person on Monday/posting it], and that she will be in Kent on Sunday so would happily witness it herself and take it off our hands then.

Brilliant result, and another reason to be grateful to Helle; thanks, Helle!

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