Thursday 1 May 2008

Day 9

(Of exercising)

I keep meaning to keep a record of how my re-introduction to exercise is going...

BUT after I've come home from the swimming pool, I can't muster the energy to re-boot the p.c. - it just ain't happening!

So, today I'm logging on before doing any exercise!

I should have listened to MJM (as always, her wisdom is bang on!) and not weighed myself for at least a month...

I've lost a pound!!

I think it's because I've felt so ravenous/needing-comfort-food/virtuous-so-I-can-have-a-treat that I've eaten a lot more food than normal (and that's before you factor in the chocolate...).

I'm hoping that I'm strengthening the muscles, and I'm choosing to believe that muscle is heavier than fat, and that means that I might have lost some of the blubber and toned up some of the underneath layer!

The pains at the front of my shins have gone (yay!), and not every length of the swimming pool feels like it could be my last, so I'm definitely seeing progress.

I know that I must be doing OK - I'm averaging 50 lengths of the pool in 30 minutes (1.25 km) - and I'm starting to feel some muscle in my quads, so I'm just keeping smiling through the tough bits...

And reminding myself that I didn't get overweight & unfit overnight, so the solution won't happen overnight either.

I'm doing this to get back to feeling energetic, and I know that that means feeling worn out until it starts to "work", so till then:

Keep on keeping on!

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