Friday 18 February 2011

Another 8 uploads.

Did I mention my less-than-delight with Microsoft?

I'm blaming the eight uploads that happened on Tuesday for the problems I had with my card reader [I'm fairly sure that there's not a problem with the card reader itself, because it's working again now, and I haven't done anything to it]...

Maybe the three uploads Wednesday helped?

[They didn't obviously make it work!]

With all the "switching it off & switching it back on again" I was doing, I accidentally gave Microsoft another chance to do another eight uploads.

And then last night when I was shutting it down, guess what?

Yup! Eight more uploads!

On the positive side, they haven't managed to wreck the card reader again...

Do I need any more uploads this week than the 27 I've already had?

If I do, I'll let you know!

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