Monday 5 October 2009

What was the most painful part of moving?

The mouth ulcers from being tired, stressed, having too-much-to-do-in-too-little-time, and being in pain for about five weeks because I'd fractured my tooth and hadn't made time to get it looked at...

I thought a filling was starting to degrade, so wasn't urgent - but both halves of the tooth had to come out!

Lucky it had broken, if it needed to come out: the whole tooth looked like Sideshow Bob's haircut - roots heading out in all directions!

On the up-side: Paul reckoned I wasn't a wuss and had a high pain-threshold.

Ahhh! "Hard" image maintained; result!

Getting used to life in Putney...

We have sold our flat!

Part of me wanted to blog the whole, painful process; but the irrational [superstitious] part didn't want to "jinx" our sale by talking about it...

Well, you can probably work out which part won!

[And for the most part, it wasn't painful - trying to go with the flow is what I'm working on, so I just got more practise at that! The bits that were nerve-wracking were to do with the dratted HIP and our poor purchasers' solicitors: for reasons of prudence (cowardice?) I'm not going to "name & shame" - so don't want to get sued for having my own opinions (albeit shared by several other people!) - but if anyone out there is thinking of selling & wants to know at least one HIP provider to avoid, get in touch. Similarly, if anyone is thinking of buying/selling/having any legal work done, I can recommend a really good solicitor and one to avoid like the plague!]

We'd instructed Kinleigh Folkard & Harward (KFH) on the 1st of June, and eventually the HIP Provider got around to sending me the Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) on the 4th - not impressed with their lack of speed: I paid them on Monday, and told them I was going to France at midday Thursday, so if they could get it to me quickly I could fill it out and return before I went to France.

We finally got out the door after 1.30pm on Thursday and despite several chases, the PIQ had only just arrived - with my name wrong, and my title!

Quick call to KFH (by then I thought chasing them would be more productive than talking to someone who didn't seem capable of listening/thinking - Hi L*****!) - pointing out that when I spelled my name and title from the credit card, and then spelled my name for the email address (yup, same name, same spelling!), and the fact that the money had been taken and I'd received the PIQ email showed that it wasn't through lack of trying on my part, and they could get my name right when it suited them!

I don't know when the correct PIQ finally came through, but by then we were in the process of meetings to formally finish the work on the French house, so finding the Livebox (to connect to the internet) was a much lower priority than signing handover paperwork & bringing down from upstairs: beds, refrigerator, table, chairs, bedding, crockery, etc., etc.

When we found a moment I filled in the PIQ & sent it back, and a few days later our property was in a position to be marketed, and appeared on KFH's website on the 9th of June...

I was trying to be calm...

And pretty much succeeding!

But the phone calls I was getting from other estate agents trying to get us to market the flat with them, and saying they could get a price £15-20,000 higher than our asking price (and would reduce their fee if we would agree to joint agency), together with the offers we were receiving (starting at £25,000 below asking price) were making me question our decision!!


Oh, yes!

David & I rationalised that we would wait till the summer was over (and our tie-in to KFH had ended), and not just grab the first (remotely sensible) offer we received, and even if the flat didn't sell, well there was no urgency - let's just enjoy a break from property-related 'busyness' [we'd been fully occupied with trips to France & meetings/"house doctoring" our flat for longer than was fun!]...

And then David was on the tarmac at Dover, waiting to board a ferry to come to France for his fortnight's holiday, when he received a call from KFH: the flat had gone to sealed bids, and the highest bid was...

Totally acceptable!!

For once, David didn't get into trouble for not checking with me before saying "yes" to something!

So, June 25th, and we accepted the offer and kicked off the legal process.

Apart from the searches (and at one point the 'progress' report from our HIP Provider showed that these had been requested on the 12th August [7 weeks after we accepted the offer] - we were hoping this was just hopeless inputting rather than failure to ask for the searches - they'd had a large chunk of my money for 2½ months!), everything on our side seemed to be progressing nicely...

If a bit of a headache for our solicitor!

I was also selling the freehold to our upstairs neighbour; having finally come to the point where I could leave the flat behind [various complicated issues relating to my dad meant I'd stayed longer than I ever planned - 20 years rather than 18-24 months!], it seemed sensible to break totally with the building, so handing over the responsibility for insuring, maintaining/repairing made sense, and gave our neighbour control over what works were done and how/by whom.

Oh, and we were extending the lease before selling the freehold (which had to be sold before exchange of contracts, for legal reasons) - hence the hair pulling for H****!

Also, the Land Registry plan was out of date (didn't show the extension & changes to the layout, or include the cellar) - another little matter to be sorted...

Thanks, H!

Finally the HIP was completed, and was everything we'd been led to believe from reading the property press: the search didn't show the Building Regulations approval for the extension, nor the Thames Water tunnelling work that was imminent immediately below the house, but did show that we were in a "Radon Affected Area" [not my quotes]: "Yes, the property is in an area where 1-3% of homes are estimated to be at or above the Action Level".

The Action Level according to the "informative paragraph" [my quotes] stated: "Radon concentrations above the Action Level should be reduced below it..."

Help, scary!!

For two reasons: I'd never heard that London was Radon affected (being on good solid London clay, rather than nice radon-emitting granite), and OMG was I living somewhere that was damaging my health?

Thankfully, a quick trip to the Health Protection Agency website (and then UKradon), where I input our postcode and paid my £3.45 put my mind at rest.

"Is this property in a radon Affected Area? - NO"

"The estimated probability of the property being above the Action Level for radon is: - 0-1%"

So everything was progressing satisfactorily, right?

Ahem, er, no!

We were just waiting for the plan to be re-drawn, and approval from the purchasers' solicitor that all the changes H had made to the lease extension/sale papers were satisfactory and she would register with the Land Registry as soon as the plan was completed.

We kept receiving 'phone calls from KFH reminding us that the purchasers needed to complete on the 18th September, or it would have to wait till 15th October (which neither side wanted!), so we kept speaking with H...

At some point we pointed out to KFH that it was S*********, our purchasers' solicitors who were holding up the process by refusing to respond to letters/email.

Unbeknownst to us, W & A lost faith with their solicitors (and having heard H speak of them, we can understand why!), and moved to another firm.

At this point it all started moving forward again - changes to paperwork agreed, plan prepared & registered, our mortgage prepared to be moved to the Putney flat [I dread to think how stressful it would be if one was trying to buy somewhere as well as sell! We had kept David's flat on as a buy-lo-let "pension plan" when he moved in with me, so we were moving back there]...

Only one teeny glitch: we turned up in Fulham to sign our set of papers (they were to be dated & time stamped on the 18th) on the afternoon of the 16th...

One of the secretaries/receptionists was running out of the door - nothing odd about that, maybe she was collecting a child or going to the dentist?

Except what was happening was she was running to give a cheque to Lambeth in the hope that they would do a "real" search in 24 hours, so that we could complete on the 18th!

The HIP had provided a "personal" search, which is why it took so long - apparently Lambeth don't like them (because they are cheaper) and won't prioritise dealing with them, hence the nearly-three-month delay!

Given how much we paid for the HIP, that's not impressive economising! We could have got another HIP for less than half what we paid, but thought it safer to go with a highly-recommended firm, who to save themselves nearly £70 have earned a whole bunch of negative recommendations!

And did the difference matter?


Apparently, HSBC are the only mortgage provider who insists on having a "real" search, and won't accept insurance against the search being wrong as an alternative (as do most other providers who also "insist" on a "real" search, but are happy to take the risk if they're insured against it)...

So, no search, no mortgage...!

[You can probably work out the next bit: no mortgage, no sale!]

Anyway, we did complete on the 18th (Lambeth must have had one of their rare 'attacks' of efficiency!), and had pushed the key under the door after locking up on the 17th, so had no need to go back to our flat after that (we'd been having farewell drinks with our upstairs neighbour, and she asked whether it would feel odd driving off down the street for the last time - yes!).

I'm going to gloss over how much cleaning was required before we could move into the flat in Putney, because that's receding into distant memory and I'd like it to stay that way!

But we moved, cleaned our old home in Brixton (so little cleaning needed compared to one that had just been "cleaned"! And W & A said how clean it was ["thank you for leaving it so clean"], so I hadn't skimped there) and eventually got BT to accept that when, on the 4th of September you ask to move your telephone on the 18th September, and "can you do the broadband at the same time?" what you actually mean it that you want them to make your broadband go to the new property (with the new 'phone number), AND you would like the Broadband Talk to go as well!!

Some time after I came to France (25th Sept), it all started working; but it wasn't when David got back to London on the 28th!

Once we're out of the latest tie-in period we're looking for a new provider!

[Couldn't face the additional hassle, which is why we stuck with BT - ironic or what?!]

So, what I mean when I say "getting used to life in Putney" is that I wandered round like a lost soul for a week then decamped to France!

Odd to not be trying to escape Brixton to the Channel Tunnel, but I'm sure I'll get used to trying to escape Putney to the Channel Tunnel!

The weirdest thing is that currently, whenever I think of my old home [20 years is the longest I've ever lived anywhere], I keep "seeing" the bay window in the dining room looking out towards my tree...

I'm not sure why that is, the only thing I can think is that after my dad died, I kept looking at the tree and it reminded me that life went on...

Which is what it's doing now!

Love & gratitude to all our friends, family & acquaintances who have wished us well in our property endeavours, and obviously to our purchasers:

Thank You So Much!

Saturday 15 August 2009


OK, that's not actually true; [I love David], but I am becoming a fan!

Having read that high levels of ghrelins can cause obesity because they cause feelings of hunger even when a person has eaten, and that sleep deprivation is linked with high levels of ghrelins, I had the "light bulb" moment!

[I'm NOT obese, but am heavier than I'd ever been until I hit my 40s (and WAY heavier than at any point till my late 30s), and I miss my energy; for me the gain in weight has been associated with a loss of energy - top tip: don't ever injure your back!]

Perhaps if I could sleep better I wouldn't feel hungry all the time?

I'm not kidding - I can be so stuffed I'm like a hamster, and I still feel hungry!

I'm getting better at recognising the "tiredness hunger" rather than the genuine need for food, but that doesn't mean I can actually sleep, just because I need to!!

Enter Paul McKenna...

[I wish I knew the HTML for 'drum roll'!]

I read his book "I Can Make You Sleep" with some success, but NOW I've been re-united with my CD player and am listening to the CD in bed at night.


I've had about four really good nights sleep, and I can't believe the difference - I don't feel exhausted, and I'm not constantly looking in the food cupboard for what's missing!

Oddly, sleep never was in there but I'd try other stuff, just in case that was what I wanted!

Today, for the first time in ages, I'm actually hungry for food!

So I'm off to have that delicious salad!

Monday 3 August 2009

Top Tip!

Pizza oil is not an exact substitute for extra virgin olive oil when making salad dressings!

Nice & piquant, but perhaps I could have left out the mustard?

Maybe I should stop putting off going shopping!

Seriously, though, if you like your food reasonably fiery, pizza oil does work in vinaigrette...

It's just not the same.

Monday 1 June 2009

Never thought I'd feel sorry for an estate agent!

Just had one of those painful conversations that it's best to get over with quickly...

Like removing a sticking plaster, so they say, but I've never had any problems taking off plasters - even the ones that will actually stick on in the first place, and they are RARE!

Philip from Barnard Marcus got his call in before I called him; calling all the 'unsuccessful' agents was on my list for tomorrow.

The only reason I wasn't going to do it today was it was too late and I've had too many things to think about!

We have chosen to market the flat with Kinleigh Folkard Hayward, and Philip (to give him credit) wanted to know if he could talk me out of that and put the flat on with Barnard Marcus.

He was very persuasive!

And we don't know whether we have made the right choice... [How can we know?!]

My answer was that having given my word, I don't want to go back on that: old-fashioned concept, maybe, but I think treating other people how you would like to be treated is not a bad way to run your life.

Only another 5 awkward conversations to go!

If we haven't [made the right choice], it's not too late: Philip's last tactic was to get me to consider joint agency - still open to us later.

Now all I need to do is get a HIP organised!!

I understand there is very little chance of anyone reading it, but we still need one, so will have to grit our teeth to pay for something that is probably purposeless!

Wonder if I could "flip" this flat to be our second home & get the taxpayer to pay for it?!

Thursday 28 May 2009

Estate agents...

I finally finished all the finishing touches [Oooo! BAD sentence!] on the flat - there was far more cleaning/putting things in the right places than I'd anticipated, and I ended up scrubbing the front path and patio; it didn't really need it, but looks so much better for it!

I did stain the door - again it didn't really need it, but it is an improvement - and washed all the [already clean] glasses, just to make them sparkle, and did more ironing than I've done in the last five years put together!

I will admit to not having cleaned the oven for (*ahem*) years rather than months, but was astonished at how much cleaner it was than the oven at David's flat when I cleaned that for the second time in 6 months after the awkward tenant moved on [hi Tom!].

How you can get that level of filth in 5 months, AND say you've cleaned the oven, I don't know, but my oven now looks brand new!

I've cleaned everything I can clean & painted/stained everything else!

All the estate agents said it's a lovely flat, and that they would be very happy to sell it for us, so now just the tricky choice of high/middle/low valuation and then who to choose within that category.


I'm silently asking for guidance....

It's actually really nice to live in the place with it all finished!

Friday 15 May 2009

Leaving Leander Road?

We have decided, for a variety of reasons (I miss the countryside and being able to walk in fields/woods, and grow my own veggies, and high-density living is becoming less enjoyable as we spend more time in France and go out in London less), to put our flat on the market.

I did all the decorating APART from the dining room before Christmas, but since then have just got "stuck" about finishing the one remaining room...

Finally (with the massive help of a kick-up-the-butt letter & surveyor's appointment this Tuesday), I have overcome the hurdle that was preventing me completing the work...

[It's going to sound really weedy, but there was an odd (totally illogical?) train of thought: if I finish the decorating, we can put the flat on the market, then it might sell, and we would have to move, and I would lose my one remaining link to my sadly-missed father (who built the extension and fitted the kitchen, bathroom & heating). It was as though I was preventing myself from having to leave?]

So, after getting back from France at midnight on Monday, I started painting the (black ash) shelves.

Tuesday to Friday I managed to give both sides of all four shelves two coats of undercoat and three coats of eggshell.

And the brackets and metal rails, obviously!

The only way to do it was painting a second coat after dinner (and one day I managed a third coat starting at midnight!).

Finally got them done and then painted the bathroom door (a long saga of poor lighting/wrong paint choices causing runs & other horrors!) on both sides, and the inside of the flat door (a casualty of wrong paint choice [Dulux quick-drying gloss peels off like sunburnt skin when you try to flat it down for a second coat!] and a sink-dropping incident leaving a gouge!).

7 or 8 hours stripping off lacquer from door handles, polishing and re-lacquering, and then we were ready to Spring clean & reassemble the flat.

It took ages to get everywhere clean and tidy, but when (at 10.30 Monday evening) we had a flat that looked like a home, it all became worth it!

The surveyor said it was one of the cleanest and tidiest homes he had ever seen (and I still haven't Spring cleaned the kitchen!), and the best decorated place he had ever seen.

That really made my day!

I've had to lower my standards (a little) to be able to finish without driving myself potty, but it still looks lovely, and made the week-and-a-bit of 12+ hour days worthwhile!

I thought I'd lost the ability to start work before 5am and still be going after 10pm, but I managed it a couple of times, so that's also a bonus!

I just need to re-stain the outside of the common door (I do NOT want pictures of the house with a [very] slightly tatty door when everything else is neatly done), and put the remaining bark on the garden/scrub the patio & path...

And, reluctantly, I've decided I need to iron the duvet covers!!

I popped into an estate agents on the way back from the picture framers, and the very helpful lady was keen to book in their valuer, so I now have another [helpful] deadline to get everything finished to my satisfaction, then we shall see...

How much of the conversation was spin, I don't know, but Mitra said they had clients looking for two bed flats...

If you know anyone who would like to buy a 2-bed Victorian conversion garden flat in the nicest part of Brixton ("original features, secluded patio garden, gch, etc, etc"), please get in touch!
Free Smiley Face Courtesy of