Saturday 15 August 2009


OK, that's not actually true; [I love David], but I am becoming a fan!

Having read that high levels of ghrelins can cause obesity because they cause feelings of hunger even when a person has eaten, and that sleep deprivation is linked with high levels of ghrelins, I had the "light bulb" moment!

[I'm NOT obese, but am heavier than I'd ever been until I hit my 40s (and WAY heavier than at any point till my late 30s), and I miss my energy; for me the gain in weight has been associated with a loss of energy - top tip: don't ever injure your back!]

Perhaps if I could sleep better I wouldn't feel hungry all the time?

I'm not kidding - I can be so stuffed I'm like a hamster, and I still feel hungry!

I'm getting better at recognising the "tiredness hunger" rather than the genuine need for food, but that doesn't mean I can actually sleep, just because I need to!!

Enter Paul McKenna...

[I wish I knew the HTML for 'drum roll'!]

I read his book "I Can Make You Sleep" with some success, but NOW I've been re-united with my CD player and am listening to the CD in bed at night.


I've had about four really good nights sleep, and I can't believe the difference - I don't feel exhausted, and I'm not constantly looking in the food cupboard for what's missing!

Oddly, sleep never was in there but I'd try other stuff, just in case that was what I wanted!

Today, for the first time in ages, I'm actually hungry for food!

So I'm off to have that delicious salad!

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