Friday 4 July 2014

I saw the wren...

...on the lawn, just looking for seeds (grubs; whatever it is they eat?), and I didn't recognise him/her straight away; I am so used to them 'squaring up for a fight' - tail up, head up, harsh, metallic cry.

Of course, it's probably not understanding the language that makes them appear so pugnacious - I can still remember seeing Italians in Italy, and thinking they were angry [loud voices; arms waving; smaller-than-comfortable personal space (from the English perspective)], but now I understand they were just being... Italian.  So I guess the wren is just being a wren when I think they are being aggressive?

A good reminder that not everyone's world view is the same as my own, and it doesn't make either of us "right" or "wrong", just different.

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