Tuesday 8 July 2014

Snippets [catching up]

  • We moved the bed [couldn't fit the base up the stairs, so have reverted to "student days" (although I'm not sure current students do that?), and are sleeping on a mattress on the floor] upstairs.  It made such a huge difference to our comfort levels last winter - we turned the bedroom downstairs into a "snug", and were able to conserve heat [NEVER going to live in a house with the stairs leading directly off the sitting room again; all the heat ends up on the landing!], and thus stay warm.  [Also, we didn't have to listen to the machines in the kitchen working their magic; why do people like open plan so much?].  It's the first time I have 'lived' and slept on different floors since moving out of a hostel when I was a student (well) over twenty years ago; I like it!
  • Had an amusing interlude when we visited mum and Click at Miche's just before Christmas: she really didn't recognise the two strangers she thought were looking for the neighbours' house!  Even adding her spectacles didn't improve matters, and my voice calling out "hi, mum" was going unheeded.  As she always assures me she doesn't lie-in, we were expecting her to be up and about at gone 8am, especially with a pair of dogs who believe they might die of starvation if they are seconds late for one of their meals...  When she'd woken up a bit, she twigged who we were, but we thought we were going to have to go off and find a café for breakfast [she had offered to cook breakfast when we arrived, so we weren't presuming]...!
  • Then vs. now: when we first met, "showering together to save time" didn't; now it does.  Should I be sad?
  • I want a "Cinders"!!!  I read that the Queen has her shoes handmade [nice, but I can cope with shoe-shop shoes] and that she has a lady to wear them in for her - now that I do want!  I live mostly in mules [and socks, if I need to walk any distance (further than the post box about a hundred yards away); thick socks if I need to wear winter boots/wellies], as I now seem to blister as soon as looking at my feet.  I'm fine if we do plodding around a few shops [but not always], but otherwise it's blister-prevention that matters more to me than style [I think I've mentioned my love of Crocs; I dread the day they finally go bust because they are so out of fashion].  A wearer-inner wouldn't guarantee my feet would cope, but I'm sure it would help!  :-)

Saturday 5 July 2014

Saturday Letters to The Telegraph

Motoring Section; Letter to Honest John:

Inside track
Here's a reminder for motorway drivers.  I will be driving my motorhome from Lancashire to Folkestone on May 12.  I hope you will be as good as in previous years, when you have emptied lane one to allow me and my wife a stress-free journey.  It's quite touching how you all crowd into the outer lanes just to let us through and you can be sure that we feel a little embarrassed when we pass so many of you on the inside.  Anyway, thanks in advance and don't forget the date.

DC, Rossendale

Honest John replies:
I'm sure they will keep the nearside lane clear for you, just as they do for me on Sundays.

Letters to the Editor:

Sir - My wife recently bought a vacuum cleaner.  An instruction (Letters, May 1) on it advises: "Do not put in dishwasher."
Michael Porter, Devizes, Wiltshire

Friday 4 July 2014

I saw the wren...

...on the lawn, just looking for seeds (grubs; whatever it is they eat?), and I didn't recognise him/her straight away; I am so used to them 'squaring up for a fight' - tail up, head up, harsh, metallic cry.

Of course, it's probably not understanding the language that makes them appear so pugnacious - I can still remember seeing Italians in Italy, and thinking they were angry [loud voices; arms waving; smaller-than-comfortable personal space (from the English perspective)], but now I understand they were just being... Italian.  So I guess the wren is just being a wren when I think they are being aggressive?

A good reminder that not everyone's world view is the same as my own, and it doesn't make either of us "right" or "wrong", just different.