Thursday 24 April 2008

Day 4

Having reached 42 (which as we all know is the answer to 'life, the universe and everything'), I felt I had to make a decision:

Either turn my life around or accept that it is how it is, & stop complaining that doing no exercise & eating rubbish is making me fatter...

So, here I am on "Day 4", and the pain from walking in the park is no better (but no worse, so that is good!) which I had factored in to the mental preparation, so that's not demoralising.

[I had planned for feeling worse each day for the first couple of weeks, and then I'm hoping it will start to get better.]

Despite my fears, I haven't got blisters on my blisters - yay, result!

The pain from swimming is better today - my back hurts less, and the arms & legs feel less leaden.

Breathing: work in progress, but that will take time.

Started some stomach-crunching on Day 2, and am also trying to fit in some dry-skin-brushing.

I think that's enough for a start, but I'm hoping that as it gets easier I will manage to add in more toning exercises and stretching/yoga.

[Stretching is, I know, essential. But at this stage doing something seems more of an achievement than stopping after I have prepared to do something; it's a trade-off I'm willing to make!]

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