Thursday 24 April 2008

Starting Point

I'm walking once around the short circuit of the park - currently taking 35/36 minutes, and yes it's aerobic!

I'm swimming for half an hour each weekday until I get a routine sorted (and then I'll decide how much & how often).

At the moment, the breathing and doing front crawl aren't happening at the same time, so I'm falling back to breast stroke until something gets easier...

Then I'll go back to the crawl!

Asthma making it too difficult to fight the breathing and unfitness and back pain and aching arms and legs and...

and and and!

Being a virtuous-feeling wuss, I took the bus home (this was allowed because of the blisters - a treat for having not found an excuse to do nothing for 4 whole days in a row!)...

Everything much more in perspective having seen the guy in the wheelchair...

At least I have the chance to walk round the park, and I'm going to grab it!

Carpe Diem!

Day 4

Having reached 42 (which as we all know is the answer to 'life, the universe and everything'), I felt I had to make a decision:

Either turn my life around or accept that it is how it is, & stop complaining that doing no exercise & eating rubbish is making me fatter...

So, here I am on "Day 4", and the pain from walking in the park is no better (but no worse, so that is good!) which I had factored in to the mental preparation, so that's not demoralising.

[I had planned for feeling worse each day for the first couple of weeks, and then I'm hoping it will start to get better.]

Despite my fears, I haven't got blisters on my blisters - yay, result!

The pain from swimming is better today - my back hurts less, and the arms & legs feel less leaden.

Breathing: work in progress, but that will take time.

Started some stomach-crunching on Day 2, and am also trying to fit in some dry-skin-brushing.

I think that's enough for a start, but I'm hoping that as it gets easier I will manage to add in more toning exercises and stretching/yoga.

[Stretching is, I know, essential. But at this stage doing something seems more of an achievement than stopping after I have prepared to do something; it's a trade-off I'm willing to make!]