Tuesday 12 July 2011

Slightly (?) disingenuous previous post!

OK, I'm not planning on posting this until it's all a fait accompli!

Some omissions from my previous post/further information:
  • We're not actually going to be here after [hopefully!] Saturday;
  • We're [hopefully, again; it's been postponed from Thursday, and we originally wanted to move last Saturday] moving on Saturday, which is why we're not going to be here;
  • We're [hopefully, again, subject to the move happening OK on Saturday] going on holiday on Sunday;
  • I'm desperately hoping that the new tenants moving in at the end of the month are NOT bothered by the noise from the construction. It's all happening at times when working people [which they are] will be away from the building, but I wanted Nicole to tell prospective tenants that there will be building work above them (so they could make up their own minds). I'm really NOT sure about her decision to withhold that information from the new guys, but we're paying her a lot of money for her expertise, so I better shut up and trust her!;
  • I haven't told anyone apart from Karen that I have decorated the flat - I want to be the person to tell people my news, when it suits me! - and only Catherine knows about the redecoration and move (living four doors down, she needed to be in the loop). The lovely MJM knows about the move because I needed a personal referee, but apart from that it's all top secret; I hate answering questions from people my mum has told our private business to! But hopefully this time I get to tell people my news, and if I'm doing it from France, that will cut down the number of phone calls I get from people wanting to grill me on the finances, I'm sure!
If that makes me sound secretive, I'll put my hand up to that!

Seriously though, we have enough stress on our plates [did I mention Catherine's move and not knowing when (exactly) she's going so finding a new tenant for that flat is more interesting?] without having to go through the Spanish Inquisition until a time when we have less going on.

I'm finally learning to set boundaries and enforce them; with my family, that turns out to mean withholding information until it's all happened, and when I'm a more expensive phone call away, but that hasn't been my choice, so I can live with it!

So, once again, I'm keeping my fingers crossed: this time that our move goes successfully!

Maidstone, here we come...

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