Saturday 18 April 2020

Depression, or rather "Post Depression"

I've been down that awful "wormhole" of depression, but at the moment life is feeling possible.

I've been sorting out photos, and checking log-ins still work, so here I am: checking that I can still access Blogger.

I intend to get back to blogging, so let's hope that's not a "road to Hell" scenario!

Wednesday 15 April 2015

How times change

According to Alice B Toklas in her Cook Book, a "little known French dish suitable for the American and British Kitchen" is Frogs' Legs à la Parisienne...

I can't imagine Jamie Oliver getting away with suggesting that now.

Nor two different ways of cooking oysters, and a brace of squab offerings.

But I suspect where I used to live in south London cookery classes would find more pupils interested if they tried a "recipe from friends" and made Brian Guysen's Haschich Fudge ("which anyone could whip up on a rainy day")?

Sunday 21 December 2014

Impeccable timing...

David, having left the Huge American Bank [HAB] and settled in nicely with the Dancing Bears, has told me that the subsidiary of HAB where he used to work ["Tarpaulin"] is being sold off/dismantled because off immense losses.  I wondered if it was because they made the profitable bits redundant [like the Ringmaster and his team] and kept on the much more expensive/loss-causing bits [metals, anyone?] that the new régime had recruited once they bought Tarpaulin from its previous owners.

I think that was part of the problem, but a major client going belly up leaving a monster debt hasn't helped.

And the losses don't sound as though they all 'legitimately' belong to the subsidiary, but the parent bank is now in profit, so it's all good?

As I say, impeccable timing.

At least it's made concerns about whether he did the right thing in jumping ship seem less pressing.  Now all we need is the Ringmaster to crack his whip and make some more deals.

Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy (and profitable) New Year!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

BTMail [warning: major rant]

Or: "Why life has felt unduly stressful for the last couple of months".

[And not just through buying a house and trying to get it liveable!]

Some of the things that have been irritating:
  • BT gave no warning that it was going to switch from BTYahoo! to BTMail; the last communication I had from them about the mail service was some time in the spring, asking if I wanted to switch to the new mail format.  I didn't; I hate transferring to new platforms [is that the right word?], especially when I'm pretty sure they're still going to be in Beta - and every other time BT has messed with the mail service, it's most definitely been still in Beta, so I don't think I was making an unfair assumption this time...  Leading on to:

Tuesday 4 November 2014


  • I've stopped the carbamazepine, and remain pain free, and now my nausea and dizziness/confusion have gone, so life is way better!  I am so glad to be able to eat/drink citrus again; I really felt like I needed the boost in Vitamin C.  I know it only said to avoid grapefruit, but eating oranges & clementines gave me rampant nausea, so I was having to cut out all citrus fruit.
  • I put the central heating on today.  It's only the second time this autumn [and today I've had it on since lunch], but it's making me really keen to get our woodburning stove organised and move into our English house!  I know loads of people have been using their heating since as early as August, but I haven't needed to use it as long as the weather was sunny.  I'm sitting in the little snug we set up last winter, because we could never get the sitting room even approaching warm, and an enclosed, smaller space that doesn't let all the heat escape upstairs is a brilliant idea.  May well have a "winter sitting room" upstairs when we do move?
  • The lovely people at the Huge American Bank bought David a fire pit as a leaving present; it's a really thoughtful idea, and it would be marvellous if we could set it up to roast the chestnuts I've collected.  But we're keeping it in the box until we can move; looking forward to next year - just need to find some chestnuts locally!
  • Manston Airport in Kent closed, and the residents are protesting to have it re-opened.  It just seems really odd, given all the complaints about Heathrow, that people want an airport?!  Logically, I totally understand: a huge housing development doesn't provide any employment opportunities and probably places a bigger burden on local roads than a small airport, and I have got used to aircraft noise quite quickly when I have lived near airports.  But it stills seems a rarity to campaign for runways.
  • Metal vacuum flasks my be unbreakable, but they don't work!  We bought one when I dropped the old flash as we were moving house, but even heading from Maidstone to the Channel Tunnel we don't have very hot tea.  And coming from the house in France we're lucky to have tepid tea.  So I bought another glass-lined Thermos flask.  One day we forgot to bring the new one home from the house, so took our tea in the metal one; the tea in the (not full) glass flask from the day before was slightly warmer than the full metal flask that had been made about four hours earlier!  So when David dropped this one, the first thing we thought was "buy new Thermos" rather than "we have that metal flask".  Luckily, I found one in a charity shop!
  • And finally... Quote [not once, but twice] from David: "what's our phone number?"  I almost understand being unable to recall our new postcode [it's a 3, not a 4] or his new work telephone number, but we've lived here since July 2011!

Small rant

Two problems I have with CPP:
  1. They take money from me for Identity Protection, but of all the unsolicited mail I received, the majority of the companies said they had purchased the mailing list from...  Experian [who CPP use to monitor my details]!  I think it's pretty shabby to charge me for selling on my identity whilst "protecting" me from identity theft?
  2. They monitor my credit report, and mail me to let me know any changes/searches to my credit file; so how come none of our three mortgage applications showed up?  Nor remortgaging the flats when we did that at the start of our house hunt?
I think the "service" is probably not worth anything, and should be cancelled?

Friday 31 October 2014