Friday 23 April 2010

Cutting back the ivy

We've got a really great parking space at our new home - Gordon has let us (for a very reasonable charge) park the motorbike in front/behind the car as the space is longer than the standard size.

The only downside is reversing between brick walls!

When we got there the ivy was totally overgrown, despite having been "cut back"...

Not my idea of cutting back.

We did our best, but were defeated by shortness of stepladders...

Steve said we could borrow his, so the only delay was waiting for the weather to improve.

This morning I couldn't find any more excuses, so we got the remaining flowering spikes off.

When I say "flowering", I mean "had flowered and are now covered in berries which the blackbirds find irresistible".

And with blackbirds it goes in one end and comes out the other [I remember from the patio at ivy berry time - little purple "offerings"].

We do NOT need the car redecorating, thanks!